One: The Doctor as portrayed by Tom Baker
I can't imagine anybody not recognizing him, yet knowing what Doctor Who is but wave 1 of the new Bif Bang Pow figures starts at his era and only his era. Unlike Character Options, who seem to move around the show's history between waves (which is fine), BBP is sticking to Tom for this wave and that's just dandy.
This is a first Season Tom, the head sculpt seems to emulating the haunting look of the credits and thank God he isn't smiling.
Two: Field Major Styre portrayed by Kevin Lindsay
Styre was the villain in the fourth Doctor's third adventure "The Sontaran Experiment". There is some interesting trivia here, Styre is the only Sontaran to be shown with four fingers (all the others had two) and he's the only one to brandish a pistol. So when you see him in the stores (hopefully soon) he is not a glitch, he is screen accurate.
The Sontarans menaced the fourth Doctor twice, which is two times more than any other Doctor. They're also clones, so Styre is an army builder of sorts.
Three : The Master played by Peter Pratt
This is the figure that seems to cause the most confusion by the mego community as many see it as an odd choice but it's actually quite appropriate.
While most casual fans would expect Roger Delgado as the Master, he passed away before Baker even took the role and while the fourth doctor did clash with Anthony Ainley's Master, it was his final adventure and that Master absolutely belongs to Peter Davison's fifth Doctor.
The Master of the Baker era was this, a decaying half dead corpse who had used up all his regenerations. I've heard some complaints about the head sculpt but honestly, it's accurate to the make up job. The Doctor tangled with this Master twice and by that, this is the Master for the Baker era.
Four : Cyberleader
"Revenge of the Cyberman" was the fifth adventure of the fourth Doctor's first season, it's not exactly a fan favourite (personally I like it) but it marks the only appearance of the Cybermen in the 1970s.
The best thing about BBP releasing the Cyberleader first is it almost guarentees us a regular Cyberman figure in the future it's just too obvious.
Cybermen are traditionally the second fan favourite villain behind the Daleks, so they are logical choice for wave one.
Some people have complained the Sontaran should be shorter. I don't think that is the case. The Sontaran's have fought John Pertwee/Doctor #3, Tom Baker/Doctor #4 and Colin Baker/Doctor #6 and those actors are not short. They are perhaps the 3 tallest Doctors until Matt Smith came along. The problem is tho Doctor #2/Patrick Troughton appeared in The 2 Doctors I don't think he was ever standing next to a Sontaran for comparison. He was either chained to a post on the floor or carried unconscious by them. They should be taller than Pat/Doctor #2. Has anyone else noticed this?